As part of our loyal Parma! community we want to express our gratitude by offering you cash back at checkout. It’s our little way of saying thank you for your continued support. We are thrilled to offer Parma! Loyalty for Valued Customers — you!
For every dollar you spend on Parma!, you’ll earn points! For every 100 points you get $1.00 credit. (Maximum $10 off per order. Points expire after 1 year so use them up!) You can keep track of your points by logging into your account. Just click on “POINTS” in the left sidebar. If you happen to forget your password, no worries at all – a quick and easy reset is all it takes.

Please note, there’s a maximum of $10 discount available for each order, so you might not be able to use them all at once. When you’re on the CART page, look for the option at the top to apply your POINTS to your order. Just click on it, and watch the discount automatically take effect. We’ve made it simple and straightforward for you to enjoy the benefits.